Monday, May 4, 2009

Why is it Important to Properly Shut Down the Network Server?


A network server is simply a centralized resource program or computer that services a network. It takes hold of a number of simple to complicated operations handling the applications and maintenance of working units. In sense, it acts as the brain that manages the specific applications to which it works on. Shutting down the server would render the network idle unless driven by a program to continue its operations. Hence, cleanly and properly shutting down is a standard protocol to ensuring hassle-free operations. In cases of diagnosing and troubleshooting problems, properly shutting down the server ensures safety of the programs and information held by the network server as the individual units it manages.


• Properly shutting down the server would ensure proper network configuration. Since the data line managed by the server is a critical aspect of its operations, the computers that are connected into the network maintains protection one computer. Sometimes, specific configurations are done to safeguard against damage, which may be caused by a file-corrupting virus. Properly shutting down the server ensures that whatever protective measures the unaffected or uninfected units have will work.

• Properly shutting down will enable software or file recovery in case of problems. System recovery makes use of a number of configurations that helps protect the network against serious damage. It also ensures that all the recovery software, if present, is properly configured. Hence, it minimizes the risk of losing important files or information in case technical problems arise.

• Properly shutting down the server, depending on the application settings, will enable backing up of important files.

• In case of serious technical problems, properly shutting down the server may restore default configurations. It might cause some of the computer units in the network to lose some infected or affected files, but not those that are crucial to retaining its operations.

• Often, cleanly shutting down minimizes the damage caused by incorrectly configured and damaged software or hardware in a network setup.

• Properly shutting down allows certain changes, such as those made when rebooting, to take effect.

• With coexisting but conflicting devices or software, properly shutting down aids troubleshooting measures, which also protects the other computer units in the network setup from getting damaged by the affected unit or units.

Simply, shutting down the server correctly is a standard operating procedure that ensures optimal performance and consistency in application programs and system capabilities in each of the computer units that is included in the setup.


• Make sure that it is configured to do backup files or system recovery operations to ensure clean shutdown operations during emergency cases such as power outage or serious technical problems.

• Make sure that the network is working with a backup power source to ensure clean and proper shutdown operations. This will also keep you from dealing with the problems commonly associated with emergency power cut offs.