After a lot of hassle, I was finally able to resolve it and everything seems to be working alright since then. Anyhow, I thought of putting down my observations here for anyone who may face similar issue with their installations or otherwise.
- The obvious things first - I checked the permissions on the installation folder (for me, /blog) and found it to be perfectly ok (755 for read / execute to world).
- Next I checked the .htaccess in the root and so I found the problem. I had an earlier rails (Ruby on Rails) installation and following lines were present in it: -
<br/><br><em>RewriteEngine<br/>on</em></p><p><em>RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}<br/>^$ [OR]</p><p>RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}<br/>^$</p><p>RewriteRule ^contest<br/>{REQUEST_URI}<br/>[P,QSA,L]</p><p>DirectoryIndex preload.html<br/>index.html</p><p># BEGIN<br/>WordPress</em></p><p><em># END<br/>WordPress</em><br/><br>I immediately knew that the URL rewriting module was causing some issue here, but I didn't want to tinker with this since I may want my Ruby app (although dormant for now) to come alive again in future. So, what I did instead was that I changed the .htaccess file in the /blog folder from -
DirectoryIndex index.php
AuthUserFile "/home/sushainp/.htpasswds/public_html/blog/passwd"
to -
<br/><em>DirectoryIndex index.php<br/><br/>AuthUserFile "/home/sushainp/.htpasswds/public_html/blog/passwd"<br/><br/># BEGIN WordPress<br/><br/><IfModule mod_rewrite.c><br/><br/>RewriteEngine On<br/><br/>RewriteBase /blog/<br/><br/>RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f<br/><br/>RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d<br/><br/>RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]<br/><br/></IfModule></em><br/><br/><em># END WordPress</em><br/> This overrode the URL rewriting mechanism for /blog level addresses and thus, solved the issue.Article Source: