Monday, May 4, 2009

Guide to Choosing the Right Server


Finding a dedicated server is a crucial task when it comes to buying or updating IT equipment. It can make or break your IT applications, database management, maintenance and other computing applications. Hence, with the long list of servers or server brands that are available in the market nowadays, it is imperative that you find the one that will serve your specific IT needs. Follow this article to be guided in weeding out the better from the best of the available choices of IT servers.

Determine your budget

When it comes to IT servers, money will always be a big consideration but it must not be put over the server's working features. Although it is a big decision factor, consider that servers are crucial to safeguarding your business' success. It is what guards and takes care of your IT operations. Hence, it is not wise to be easily lulled by low-cost yet low-end servers for they might have compromised quality and reliable performance with value. Online shopping presents a welcome alternative for it offers ease in browsing and comparing prices of server brands and features as well as ease in looking out for available discounts.

Go for reliable and redundancy servers

Any IT system or application can easily go down and crash with the wrong server. Relatively, your business will surely go down once your server crashes. Reliability and redundancy are the name of the game when choosing the right server or server brand. Redundancy refers to the capacity of the server to simply back up important files. For instance, if the redundancy feature comes in the form of RAID or redundancy array of inexpensive discs, it mirrors data from one hard drive to another. This way, when original data becomes damaged and inaccessible, the copied data can take over. If redundancy takes the form of ECC or error checking and control operations, it allows the system to continue to run if the memory module misplaces a bit. Other redundancy applications are concerned about power supplies as well as maintenance. Hence, redundancy server features will keep you from facing the blue screen of death. The reliable part of the server features refer to its capacity to support your specific IT applications, which means near zero risk to crash.

Consider Storage capacity

Servers and server alternatives often come with storage options. Pay attention to this one for this feature is very important. The good ones usually come in 80GB to 1TB configurations that support both SCSI and ATA or serial ATA. Usually, ATA storage is determined on gigabytes per dollar while SCSI presents a more expandable storage option.

Ease of use

Raw speeds and feeds are not enough in assuring ease in server setup. Pay more attention in the server's small business differentiator. Also, make sure that the server you use supports your existing hardware and desired or available management utilities. Again, determining whether or not your choice of server supports easy setup would depend on the purpose that you see it fit.